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Hi, I am Cyprian Gburek

Second year computer science student at PJAIT, aspiring game developer and software developer.

I am a passionate and goal-oriented computer science student at PJAIT (second year) with 3+ years of non-commercial experience in programming and developing (mostly) video games.

A few words about me:

📖 I study Computer Science at the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology in Warsaw, Poland

💻In my spare time I enjoy improving my web, video games and software development skills

🪂 I take joy in working on various video games, front-end & back-end projects

⚡ My main hobbies include: playing board & video games, reading books, playing guitar, studying history and well as, obviously, coding

🎮 My favourite video games genres to play and develop are shooter, strategy, story-driven & RPG


Simple API service for the website, based on page data scraping (Python FastAPI + Selenium + BeautifulSoup). It is not affiliated with the website or its creators in any way.

As an Agent of Chaos your goal is to destroy all the opposing Agents of Cosmos. Drain their life, change the environment into your servants and ruin perfection.
Made as part of the Brackeys Game Jam 2021.2

Dead Ringer is a small game attempting to mix point and click puzzle gameplay with bullet-dodging.
The game was made as part of a semester project in Liceum Kreacji Gier Wideo (Video Game Creation High School) in Warsaw.

Tech Stack

Video Games Development

Software Development

Web Development

Soft Skills


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